Sometimes during a divorce, a private investigator can come in handy. Sometimes a divorce is much more complicated than just separating assets and funds, and there’s actually something that needs to be proven for the case to proceed. More often than not, a PI is used to prove (or disprove) adultery. However, sometimes evidence is needed for child custody cases, especially those where one parent is attempting to gain full custody. Lots of valuable information can be gained from a PI, but they come with a hefty price tag – which is why it’s important to determine if you truly need one to win your case.

Talk to Your Lawyer

A good lawyer will help you determine whether a PI is worth the money or not. Have a relaxed, one-on-one conversation with your attorney to discuss your circumstances. Let him or her know the end goals you have for your divorce (for example, if you want your vacation home or not) and how you’d like the entire ordeal to end. In addition to considering what you want out of your separation, it’s important to consider your family when thinking about a PI as well. What kind of damage could you do to your family by hiring a PI? Alternatively, can you save your family or children some strife by simply gathering the facts with a PI? Every situation is unique, so you’ll need to discuss the personal details with your attorney as soon as possible to get a clearer picture on whether a PI is worth it. Don’t skimp or fudge any of the details, either; details are what will make or break the worth of a PI.

When You Shouldn’t Hire a PI

Sometimes the ends simply don’t justify the means. In many cases, even if you can prove adultery the split among assets is still somewhere close to 50/50. This isn’t always the case, especially when proving adultery is just the first step, but assuming you’re an exception before speaking at length with a quality attorney can be risky business. Since you need an attorney you can trust anyway, there’s no foul in hiring one and speaking to him or her before you decide whether or not it’s a good idea to hire a PI. If you’re simply looking for closure and don’t care much about what the court will rule based on what you found, then you should still hire a lawyer first to make sure any information you find won’t be detrimental.

All in all, speaking to a professional before you hire someone to follow your ex for any reason is the wisest course of action. Sometimes a PI will be a waste of time and money, and making sure you save that cash for the case at hand should be priority. With that in mind, find a quality Bakersfield lawyer today so you know you’re starting off on the right foot.