Bakersfield Family Law Attorney


Finding the Silver Lining in Getting a Divorce in California

If you’re going through a separation in California, it’s likely that you have some worries about what happens next. How is your life going to change? What is it going […]

Do I Have To Account For My Spending When Dealing With Child Support?

When you’re receiving child support in Bakersfield, you may be concerned about how your actions may affect the amount you get. After all, many single parents just scrape by, and […]

A Few Things to Consider if You Want to Divorce Later in Life

If you’re contemplating later-in-life divorce in California, don’t feel ashamed of it. However, often those who are divorcing later in life do have more concerns than those who are divorcing […]

Stop Folding His Clothes: A Few Changes to Make When You are Separated in the Same Home

Regardless if you’re having a nasty divorce or good one, living in the same home while it happens can be difficult at best. Although sometimes you have to continue to […]

How to Collect on a Child Custody Order in California

So your spouse has been ordered to pay child custody. Because they are legally bound by the law to do this in the state of California until the children are […]

Don’t Worry about the Blame in a Divorce; Worry about You

So you’re going through a nasty divorce, and your soon-to-be-ex isn’t being the best of sports. You may feel frustrated and feel like the important issue at hand is how […]

Negotiating with Your Ex During Divorce

One of the most difficult parts of getting a divorce is that you now have to recognize that you and your ex are no longer on the same team. It’s […]

Why Bashing Your Ex During Your Californian Divorce is a Bad Idea

It’s all too easy to start attacking your ex when they’ve wronged you in some way. Emotions are running high and it can be difficult to keep those emotions from […]

How Age of Your Child Affects Child Custody Rulings

If you’re getting a divorce, it’s likely that the first thing you’re thinking about is your children. As a parent, they are your priority, and it’s incredibly important that they […]

Dealing with Same-Sex Partnership Terminations in California

Though ending a same-sex partnership does not have the same lawful weight that a divorce does, it can be just as complicated, heartbreaking, and difficult to deal with as a […]

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