Bakersfield Family Law Attorney

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Divorce And The Over 60’s

Divorce rates for people over 60 have doubled over the past couple of decades. Typically those divorcing mention waiting for children to grow up and be on their own before […]

Are Quickie Divorces A Good Idea?

Many couples find that a divorce need not be a long, drawn out affair if both agree the marriage is over and it is time to put the relationship legally […]

What You Can Do If Your Ex’s New Partner Is Unsuitable To Be Around Your Children

A common and difficult to manage set of issues in custody and visitation cases arises when your former spouse or partner brings a new girlfriend or boyfriend into the picture. […]

What To Do If Your Partner Is Violent

When a relationship that was loving turns frightening and hurtful you may experience a range of emotions and reactions. Panic, fear, pain and betrayal combine to confuse you and make […]

Why The Devil Is In The Divorce Details

There are many types of divorces, from the mutually agreed quick and simple, to the long and drawn out affairs that sometimes make the entertainment sections of the news. The […]

Divorce – Stop Fighting And Start Talking

When you begin a serious discussion about divorce, it should ideally be thought of as the last option. There are many reasons to take this position, but perhaps the most […]

4 Tips To Help Deal With A Contested Divorce

A contested divorce is one of the more difficult and potentially expensive events a person can go through. There is a reason that only one “person” is mentioned here. Whatever […]

Why Making A Will Is Important For Your Family

A will is a legally binding document that specifies who will inherit a person’s assets when they die. For parents, making a will is arguably the single most important thing […]

What You Need To Know About Prenuptual Agreements

Prenuptial agreement; some cringe just upon hearing the words, but a prenuptial agreement is no longer considered taboo in today’s society. Centuries ago,a prenuptial agreement was considered a document that […]

Home Schooling – Your Legal Rights

Whatever your reasons for wanting to home school your children, rest assured that every state in the United States and all the provinces of Canada permit a parent to chose […]

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