Bakersfield Family Law Attorney


Social Media And Divorce: The Ten Basic Rules

The explosion of social media has created several potential issues for individuals contemplating a divorce or in the process of completing a dissolution of marriage. Even if the process is […]

Divorce After a Very Short Marriage

A divorce is a challenging event whether after a long term or short term marriage. Legally the effect on the relationship is the same, but there can be ways the […]

How Do You Contest an Unwanted Divorce?

In the United States all jurisdictions have some variation of no fault divorce as the law of the land. This makes it difficult if not impossible to avoid a divorce […]

Five Tips for Resolving Who Gets the Small but Important Possessions

Determining how to divide the cash, investments and real estate during a divorce is fairly straightforward compared to the challenge of sorting through personal possessions. So much emotion can be […]

Divorce When One of You is Terminally Ill

One or the other spouse facing a terminal illness can add a number of issues and complications to a divorce action. Regardless of the ages of the respective spouses, this […]

Divorce – Implications If One Partner Is Recently Naturalized

Divorce is a stressful life event whenever it happens and no matter what precipitated the break up. When one of the partners of a marriage that is contemplating or completing […]

Divorce And The Over 60’s

Divorce rates for people over 60 have doubled over the past couple of decades. Typically those divorcing mention waiting for children to grow up and be on their own before […]

Are Quickie Divorces A Good Idea?

Many couples find that a divorce need not be a long, drawn out affair if both agree the marriage is over and it is time to put the relationship legally […]

What You Can Do If Your Ex’s New Partner Is Unsuitable To Be Around Your Children

A common and difficult to manage set of issues in custody and visitation cases arises when your former spouse or partner brings a new girlfriend or boyfriend into the picture. […]

What To Do If Your Partner Is Violent

When a relationship that was loving turns frightening and hurtful you may experience a range of emotions and reactions. Panic, fear, pain and betrayal combine to confuse you and make […]

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